Adenium black border

Adenium black border



Adenium grafted hybrids


Scientific name / local name  :   Adenium obesum/ dessert rose

Origin :   Africa and Arabian Peninsula

Flower colour :   See foto

Soil :   extremely well drained

sun/shade :   Full sun

watering :  moderate

Hardiness/ temp. ( C)  : minimum 0C if kept dry

Height :   200cm


Overall information :  Adeniums are easy plants. Keep in mind, during transport they will drop all leaves and go dormant. When u receive this plant, put it in well drained soil, give little water and put it i full sun.

One package contains 1 plant. Plants get disinfected 1 week before departure, leaves are cut back if this is necessary.

We ship only healthy (in pot) growing plants. We carefully remove the soil and add moist sphagnum to the roots. After that, we wrap the plant in special plant packing paper and then in a strong cardboard box with Thai registered airmail as ecommerce or EMS or courier delivery.

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Weight 0.3 kg

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