Cryptanthus ‘Heyens’


SKU: 254 Category:

Cryptanthus ‘Heyens’


Scientific name / local name  :   Cryptanthus

Origin :   Hybrid, but original species from South America

Flower colour :   White

Soil :   fertile

sun/shade : full sun, to semi shade 

watering :  keep it moist

Hardiness/ temp. ( C)  : 10C   

Height :   50cm


Overall information : I am VERY proud to present this new hybrid to you. I discovered this new hybrid and I am much honored that the international Bromeliad society named it after me.

Plants are right now in tissue culture but we do have a VERY limited supply of plant.


Cryptanthus ‘Heyens’

Unknown origin. Suspect may be a sport of Cryptanthus arelii or a sport of a sport of this species: Cryptanthus ‘It’.

Discovered by: Peter Heyens


Number of leaves: 10+/-; Leaf type: Triangular; Leaf serration: Dense; Leaf undulation: Wavy; Radial symmetry: Oval; Cross section:  Flat/Curving up with center ridge; (Diameter) Medium 8-12in./20-30cm;  Growth habit: Single-Flat; Multiples: Mounding; Offset reproduction: Basal, between the leaves; Blooming conformation: Flattens; Distinguishing characteristics: The dark maroon and dark green leaves have a 2-4 mm bright rosy pink border. Some leaves have a parallel narrow pink stripe just inside of the margination. The upper surface of the leaves are devoid of scurf and have a sheen. This plant has many of the characteristics of Cryptanthus arelii and the sport of arelii: Cryptanthus ’It’. Two pots with two plants in each were discovered by Peter Heyens at a Thai market. No others have surfaced since in the Bangkok area. Description by Larry Giroux. Photography by Peter Heyens.



One package contains 1 healthy growing plant . We carefully remove the soil and wrap the roots in humid sterile coconut peat. Then we gently pack the rootball in a plastic bag . After that, we wrap the plant in newspaper and then in a strong cardboard box with Thai registered airmail. EMS is also possible but prices are on request.


In many cases we can provice different size and species. Please email us for more info.


More pictures can be found on our company face book page here ;

Additional information
Weight 0.3 kg
Shipping & Delivery

Plant delivery from Thailand

Please note that this plant will be delivered from Thailand.
Most countries have custom rules on letting the plants in. Those rules are aimed to protect the wild flora of the export country (Thailand) as well as not letting plant diseases into the import country (your country). We can absolutely assure that all shipped plants are healthy and nursery grown only (no wild collected plants) and are shipped legally from Thailand.

International regulations about shipping perishables
“Dragon is a fast and reliable courier delivery but if any goes wrong with the shipment with Dragon, claims can ONLY made to dragon and NOT to Gekko Enterprise nor

In case of problems, the only person responsible for this is

ONLY him can decide what can be done. Only Dragon can refund on claims, not Aseanplantexport nor Gekko Enterprise.”

According to international treaties, neither country nor business entity can enforce laws that supersede international law. Domestic laws must be under Country law, which must be under International law.

If there is any doubt about the item you sent, you simply scan in a copy of the Phyto which is you prove that the plant was alive, healthy and without defect at the moment of dispatch.