Microsorum thailandicum
Scientific name / local name : Microsorum
Origin : Thailand
Flower colour : spores
Soil : very fertile
sun/shade : semi shade
watering : plenty
Hardiness/ temp. ( C) : min 15C
Height : 30cm
Overall information : A very special but though Thai fern. It need little sun to get that blue-ish oily color on the leaves.
. One package contains 1 plant. We ship only healthy (in pot) growing plants. We carefully remove the soil and wrap the roots in humid sterile coconut peat. Then we gently pack the rootball in a plastic bag . After that, we wrap the plant in newspaper and then in a strong cardboard box with Thai registered airmail. EMS is also possible but prices are on request.
One package contains 1 plant. Plants get disinfected 1 week before departure, leaves are cut back if this is necessary.
We ship only healthy (in pot) growing plants. We carefully remove the soil and add moist sphagnum to the roots. After that, we wrap the plant in special plant packing paper and then in a strong cardboard box with Thai registered airmail as ecommerce or EMS or courier delivery.
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